Thursday, January 15, 2009

Teagan's Baptism

Time to wake up! Jesus is waiting.

On January 11, 2009, Teagan was baptized at First Presbyterian Church of Howard County. Everyone in the congregation was so surprised she was so calm. The pastor poured water all over her head. It was dripping from all angles and Teagan didn't make a peep. Then the pastor walked her around the sactuary and she still didn't make a peep. The sermon ended up being about the rapturous baptism that Jesus had when the clouds tour apart and God soared in to Jesus. So then I thought, was he trying to make her cry so it would go along with the sermon? I'm sure not!

Well after church there was a certain playoff game for the Giants. Hence the change in wardrobe immediately for Chris.

Then came a wardrobe change for Teagan. Too bad it couldn't bring the Giants more luck. Jake enjoyed it though! He kept swinging his arm in Teagan's face and Teagan kept opening her mouth to suck on it. Too cute. So we eventually tucked his arm underneath her.

Next shot is what I like to call "Robo babies." Aren't stuffed bunnies that interesting to all of us!

Nick and Kristina are 6 months apart. So they made great friends. Even if there was a small difference in size.

Shy boy Zach.

Cheering on the Giants with the cousins - Zach, Juliette, and Kristina. There was quite a bit of rotation in that chair to hold Teagan. Who can resist?

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