Monday, June 7, 2010

Catch it up!

Back by popular demand - Updated photos of Teagan! She is almost 21 months old now. Teagan started walking at 19 months. Thank God! Oddly it seems she was waiting until she had mastered the skill before attempting it. She has a little swagger at times which is hilarious.
She is still getting physical therapy, but not for much longer. She is gifted in the language dept. She sings several songs - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Ba Ba Black sheep, Row row row your boat, Old McDonald, Pop Goes the Weasel, Wheels on the Bus, and she knows her ABC's. L-M-N-O is a little blurry, but kicks it all the way to Z! She even signs a little when saying the last part of the song - "Now I know..."
Currently Teagan feels substituting the word Daddy is acceptable if you don't want to say a hard word like juice or birthday. She basically picks up a new word every day. Today's word was clap, yesterday's was walk. It's amazing to watch her learn.